
May 23, 2014

Am I, Are You, Are We, Racist Criminals?

Okay this is what keeps me awake at night and has me racked with guilt. It’s a genuine question that I need an answer to. So […]
March 31, 2014

The most important choice you will ever make in your Life!

Okay so I have to get onto my soapbox again and start preaching! On the surface this might seem as if it is a message for […]
February 27, 2014

I am a Pluviophile!

Yes, I have to admit it; I just love it when it rains. I really do so you can imagine how tough it is living in […]
January 28, 2014

Hi, My name is Gavin Sharples and I am an ADDICT!

What if I told you that almost every day you ingest a drug that is one of the most addictive known to mankind? What if I […]

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