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No this is not airy-fairly new age BS, it is a hard, cold fact about business and life. Love is an action. Love is the only way to take action. When we do things out of love, with love, or for love, we cannot help but do it well. When you enjoy what you are doing and you do it with love (passion, enthusiasm, positivity) you live the universal purpose of love. Whenever I see the word love I see action.
No this is not airy-fairly new age BS, it is a hard, cold fact about business and life. Love is an action. Love is the only way to take action. When we do things out of love, with love, or for love, we cannot help but do it well. When you enjoy what you are doing and you do it with love (passion, enthusiasm, positivity) you live the universal purpose of love. Whenever I see the word love I see action.

Whenever I see the word light I see it shining on the truth. When I see the word light I see the dissolving of fear and the opportunity of creativity when we have that light bulb moment. Shining light on the truth and on issues is what the world needs now more than ever. Talking about the "elephant in the room", speaking the truth and shining light onto the truth is the only way to disrupt, disturb and change a person, a company and eventually the world.
Whenever I see the word light I see it shining on the truth. When I see the word light I see the dissolving of fear and the opportunity of creativity when we have that light bulb moment. Shining light on the truth and on issues is what the world needs now more than ever. Talking about the "elephant in the room", speaking the truth and shining light onto the truth is the only way to disrupt, disturb and change a person, a company and eventually the world.

If it's not fun, it's not worth doing. People learn a lot more when they are having fun. The art of learning, the art of teaching, is when the student doesn't even realize that she's been taught. Find the fun and you will find great business. It's time for funny business.
If it's not fun, it's not worth doing. People learn a lot more when they are having fun. The art of learning, the art of teaching, is when the student doesn't even realize that she's been taught. Find the fun and you will find great business. It's time for funny business.