March 29, 2018
May 21, 2018


You are well into the year but it seems as if you already need another holiday. Pleasantries are no longer pleasant; people don’t even bother with fake smiles anymore and procurement has just blocked another initiative.  People are counting the days until Friday because work has become something they do between weekends.

The economy is still taking a beating. Crime and corruption continues to rise. Unemployment is at an all-time high. The Media spits out nothing but negative compost and seeks out any and all atrocities for our viewing “pleasure”. Social media has become a feeding ground for forwarding fake news (together with genuine racism) by a predominantly scared and intellectually challenged segment of our population.

You and your significant other seem to have fallen into the same old rut that you were in last year, in spite of all of your best intentions to make this a naughty, exciting year. Bills are piling up; your clothing seems to have shrunk – yes the new washing detergent must have made all your clothes smaller.  And on a totally unrelated matter – your gym membership is used about as much as a politician uses common sense.

Stuff is pretty negative man, so what’s the upside?

Well, the upside is that it’s your time to shine. Your people, your team, your family need you. It’s time to be the motivator, the inspiration, the hope and the attitude adjuster. No one is going to swoop into your life and fix all this stuff. It’s up to you. You are up! Yup, as they say in baseball, “batter up!”

No matter what keynote I am delivering, I always seem to be saying a similar thing, <nothing is going to change until you do. No new ideas are going to be brought to the table until you bring new ideas to the table. There is no honour, dignity or fun working for your company. Until you bring honour, dignity and fun to the company.

Ask not what your company can do for you, show rather what you can do for your company.

Ask not what your friends and family can do for you, show rather what you can do for your friends and family.

Ask not what other people can do for you, show yourself what you can do for yourself.

Negative people, intellectuals and lazy people have for so long been spouting out that motivation and “rah-rah” doesn’t work. Well I’m telling you, as I’ve done for 25 years now, that motivation is the cornerstone to any initiative, business or relationship. Motivation is especially key when leading intellectual people, getting lazy people to take action, or in changing the minds of negative individuals.

As the leader or member of a team or family, isn’t that your only job?



You get to be someone’s hero.

You get to make a difference.

It has been said that we teach that which we ourselves need to do the most.

It’s almost impossible to motivate and inspire someone else without being motivated and inspired yourself.



  • Smile. Yes, it’s as easy as just cracking a smile.
  • Lift your chin and speak with positivity and hope.
  • Focus on what is working and seek out pockets of excellence in your department, company or family. Tell them how great they are and what they mean to the team.
  • Sit with them and set small personal targets and help them get there.
  • Declare a 30-day news watching moratorium and get them to watch a comedy every day instead.
  • Start every month with a positive bang and get a speaker (an unashamed self-plug) or delegate a morning to everyone so they can take a turn to run the 15-minute motivational session.
  • Remember it’s all about motivating and leading by example and the only way that it’s possible is with personal leadership. Personal motivation.
  • So, get off your butt and start doing sh#t.
  • Get there first and always leave last and do what you do. Unless there’s a bomb scare then be the first to leave.
  • Set up your exercise activities and start ticking the boxes. I put a marble into a vase every time I exercise. What system are you using and what is your target?
  • Yes, it’s tough, yes it’s hard; stop bitching, whining and making excuses, it’s tough for everyone, just do it.
  • Be the example to your kids. They’ve seen how you can drink, party and how you handle a hangover, now show them tough love, inspiration and positive energy.
  • Google: “quotes on happiness” and read them for 1 minute a day.
  • Join out WhatsApp Group, connect with us on Instagram or Facebook and get daily positive affirmations and cool videos to help you through your week.
  • YouTube: “Motivational videos” for 10 minutes a day.
  • Stop making excuses – do something.
  • Stop blaming others – own it, fix it.
  • Change something, even one thing, and see the difference it makes.
  • Stand up, step up, get up, shut up and just make it happen: yes, YOU, now!
  • Batter Up!



But I’m not a motivator in fact I’m quite introverted?

Some of the greatest motivators are introverts.  It just takes more courage for them, but it’s also more about how much they actually care. When you care, when you really care, you can do almost anything. The world needs motivators. People who say, “we can, we will, we must, this is how and … follow me”. You are a motivator, we are all motivating people, some are motivating them how to make excuses, how to complain and how to blame. Others are motivating people by their example, without saying a word.  The best motivators are the ones who teach and inspire by what they do, not what they say. The best way to be woken up in the morning is with a cuddle and a nibbling of the ear. Unless you’re in prison!

It doesn’t matter whether it’s to a corporate team of thousands, a small business of 2, or a family member, be the one. The one who shows, the one who knows, the one that gives hope, love and energy.

“Your people”, need to see the light in all of this darkness.  So, be like a firefly, light a flame under you’re a$$ and be that light.

They need to feel your love and mostly they need to see that there is hope. Don’t just wait to see how things turn out. Get up every day and mold it into how you want it to be.

It’s time to be the motivator, the inspiration, the hope and the attitude adjuster.  It’s your time. Even if it’s just for you.  It’s your time.




“It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.” – Confucius




  • Like us on Facebook HERE.
  • Follow us on Instagram HERE.
  • Do you need an extra cup of motivation in the morning? Get your fresh cup here by simply doing the following:  Send ‘ADD ME’ with your name on a whatsapp message to 083 303 2229.


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  1. Allison Gallo says:

    These are so inspiring that I forward them to others as often as possible. I’ve encouraged my sons and my best mate to get onto your mailing list as I find these monthly newsletters so uplifting and motivating that I hope I never miss one. Thank you Gav.

  2. Mitch says:

    Awesome thanks for the motivation Gav

  3. Alicia says:

    Thanks Gavin, really needed that pep talk. Makes me want do you s… I mean stuff :)

  4. Karen King says:

    Excellent Gavin as always!

  5. Andries Marais says:

    I heard this the other day; How do you eat an elephant? One spoon at a time! This add to that if you don’t start you will never make it. Thank you for your wise words.

  6. Marietjie Glover says:

    YES TRUTHFULL WE ONLY GOT ONE LIFE AND WE NEED TO MAKE THE BEST OF IT EVERY DAY – These words of you sow wise thanks a mil

  7. Bruce Smail says:

    Right on target once again Gavin.

    Many thanks and nice shot :-)

  8. Salome Thonnard says:

    Thank you. Your monthly newsletters are always a breath of fresh air. So nice to get honest and straight forward opinions for a change. Too much bulls. and people trying to not step on toes. Keep up the good work.

  9. Brenda Snyman says:

    Wow thanks for the newsletter Gavin. A few checks I need to put on my daily activities.

  10. Refilwe says:

    An awesome read!!! Thank you Gavin

  11. Ina Pretorius says:

    Gavin THANKS, you gave me the script for my team meeting. You are truly inspirational. :)

  12. Ompatile M says:

    Hi Gavin,
    Thanks for your words of encouragement. Everytime I read them I become healed of emmotional stress.


  13. riaan myburgh says:

    hi Gavin

    dis great om jou positiewe inslag te lees. ons het elke dag nodig, om te midde van geweld en korupsie, ons koppe hoog te hou en ‘n positiewe bydrae te maak.

    baie dankie


  14. Marion says:

    Thank you Gavin, always looking forward to your motivating, inspirational newsletters and my daily WhatsApp!

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