#SouthAfricaMustRise #BlackFriday

Those who want to will – those who don’t, won’t !
July 31, 2017
The 3 magic words that will get her hot!
September 28, 2017

We are cancelling our event on Friday 7 April in support of #BLACKFRIDAY #SouthAfricaMustRise

To the hundreds of clients who have booked themselves at our event on Friday, thank you for your support but I am sure you understand that it is now time for “us” (our company) to take a stand in solidarity for the benefit of our beautiful country.

The event we had planned would have been extremely lucrative for us personally, however there comes a time when you have to sacrifice personal gain for the benefit of many.

Friday the 7 April is when South Africa should shut down. Every citizen, every city, every one that cares about our country should stand together.

Not because of any political party or agenda, but because of South Africans.

We will not be going to work, or sending our kids to school in support of all caring thinking South Africans, but especially for the poor people of our country.

We have decided that it’s time to take 1 day unpaid leave and have discussed with our staff them taking an unpaid day in support of our constitution. Some people will be talking to their landlords to see if they can get 1 day credit on their rent, they will try to get exams moved, to change doctor appointments, and do whatever it takes to stand in solidarity. This WILL cost them SOMETHING and hopefully by our example you will find it in your heart to sacrifice your time and financial gain. There is a call on social platforms not to drive anywhere, not to go to movies, not go shopping, not visiting our friends, and not going out for dinner. We will support these calls.

People are always asking “what can I do, what difference will I make?” Well now is your time to do something – do nothing and you will be doing something!!

We should no longer be supporting corruption and the evil that has plagued our beautiful country. I will be joining a nationwide shutdown.

On Friday the 7 April the people of South Africa, regardless of race, or political affiliation will stand together for a united, crime free, accountable country.

Together, South Africa will rise #SouthAfricaMustRise

Share this message with everyone you know but you personally, should take action and do something.

“The only thing it takes for evil to thrive, is when good people do nothing”

Gav Sharples

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1 Comment

  1. Vicki says:

    Thanks for the great guide

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